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Scipas DX (Single-Charged Ion Peak Analyzing System) ver 1.35
This software is maked to help researchers of protein H/D exchange using MALDI-MS.

H/D exchange analysis is difficult, because results have isotopic complexity. If you try to masure H/D exchange of proteins using MALDI-MS, this software would be usefull.

*Now, collaborators can use "Scipas DX" .

recent update:
2018.8.10 Renew dialog and New icon. ver 1.35

This program has four frame: Spectrum main frame (SpectraManager), HD exchange result frame (HDX Manager), Sequence frame (Sequence Manager), and Profile frame of exchanged deouterium (Isotopic Imager).


How to operate?

  1. read sequence file in sequence manager.

  2. squence

  3. select residues, start and end, of an analyze peptide in sequence manager.

  4. push "add buttonadd" in sequence manager. new peptide is added into HDX manager.

  5. HDX

  6. read spectra file in spectra manager.

  7. graph

  8. push analysis

  9. finish

  10. *exchanged deuterium profile is drawn in Isotopic imager.

    *save data contained three files
    *you can re-calculate only single peptide.graph

    *you can calculate all sequence files in a folder by one click., too.graph

    In analyzing time, you can drink coffee or do another experiment.

Up date log. (year.month.day)

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